Lynn Schultz is a realtor in Yulee, FL
Lynn has been a Florida Realtor since 2015. She works with both buyers and sellers. She loves assisting people with buying and selling property, whether it be an investor looking for a property to give some love and attention to, a first-time home buyer needing a starter home, or a retiree looking to downsize for their next phase of life.
As a Yulee realtor, Lynn believes Nassau County has something for people of all ages and all stages of life. When you exit I-95 onto SR 200, whether you go east toward the beach or west toward a more rural part of Nassau County, she’s confident you will fall in love with your surroundings. The convenience, the atmosphere, the energy is so positive and welcoming. If you are military, it is an easy commute to Navy installations and even the Florida National Guard headquarters. If you are a business person, the airport is about 45 minutes away. If you are looking for fun nightlife, the music and entertainment in the area is second to none. If you want a place that you can throttle back and take in the fresh air, look no further. Nassau County truly offers something for everyone.
Lynn is a wife, mother of four, and grandmother to ten grandchildren (and counting!). She grew up in Louisiana and North Florida. Her grandparents took her to Amelia Island on vacation, and her fondest memories are camping out at the historical Ft. Clinch every summer. As an adult, she loves the mixture of nature opportunities in Nassau County, from the beach to the rivers and creeks. Every chance she gets, Lynn and her husband head to St. Mary’s or Cumberland Island on their boat.